The Happy Apple

A Holistic and Sustainable Approach to Exercise with Matthew Sullivan

The Balanced Nutritionist with Matthew Sullivan

Welcome to another episode of the Happy Apple! I recently connected with a like minded personal trainer who operates near where I live who agreed to an interview on this episode of the Happy Apple. Matthew Sullivan is a highly experienced and professional personal trainer,  operating from Drive Fitness who holds a Bachelor of Exercise & Sports Science as well as a number of other qualifications. 
During this exercise we cover:
-Advice for anyone wanting to begin a journey towards heath and fitness.
-Common pitfalls when starting a journey towards better health and fitness.
-Why professional guidance is worth investing in as you begin (or continue) on the path towards better health and fitness.
-Why nutrition and movement go hand in hand.
-Some of the lesser known benefits of moving more and eating well. 
If you have any questions specifically for Matt, he can be reached at
Thank you Matt for joining me and I hope everyone enjoys the valuable episode, I really enjoyed recording it. 
P.S. we mentioned some research in the podcast and here are the links to those articles:
The influence of 15-week exercise training on dietary patterns among young adults

The Impact of Physical Activity on Food Reward: Review and Conceptual Synthesis of Evidence from Observational, Acute, and Chronic Exercise Training Studies

Exercise Training Reduces Reward for High-Fat Food in Adults with Overweight/Obesity